sizes: 45cm x 30cm 10cm
Suitable for use in classrooms, school corridors and teachers' room of the schools.
Body is produced from ABS plastic and transparent cover is made from SAN plastic.
There are 7 shelves you can put any size of products.
It has a magnetic cover system that allows easy opening and closing.
The cover has upside and underside opening holders.
Mounting bolts and plastic anchors are in the cabinet.
Tape 2.5cmx500cm 1
Adhesive Plasters 19cmx7.2cm 20
Adhesive Plasters 2,5cmx7,2cm 8
Sterile Adhesive Pad 9cmx5cm 1
Dressing 5cmx150cm 3
Dressing 10cmx150cm 3
Triangular Bandage 96cmx136cmx96cm 1
Elastic Wrap Bandage 6cmx100cm 1
Sterile Gauze Compression 30cmx40cm 2
Sterile Gauze Compress 30cmx80cm 1
Absorbent Cotton 50gr 1
Skin Cleansing Swab, non-alcohol 3
Alcohol Swab 3
Monodose% 10 Povidone Iodine Solution 7ml 5
Monodose Hydrogen Peroxide 7ml 5
Pair of Disposable Gloves 1
Medical Tourniquet 1
Face Shield 1
Safety Pins 12
Plastic Tweezers 1
Scissors 1
First Aid Supplies Cloth 39cmx27cm 1
First Aid Leafleat 1
Kit Cabinet